Lecture on the occasion of the Bon Festival: Death and Nirvana in Shin Buddhism

Lecture on the occasion of the Bon Festival: Death and Nirvana in Shin Buddhism

15:00 - 15:40
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Hybrid
Registration: nottelmann@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Jan Marc Nottelmann-Feil M.A.
Seminarraum EKO-Haus & online
From Shining Sun to Reflecting Moon – Japan’s women’s lives through the centuries (Lecture in presence Sep 17, 2024)

From Shining Sun to Reflecting Moon – Japan’s women’s lives through the centuries (Lecture in presence Sep 17, 2024)

19:00 - 20:30
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: In presence
Registration: kurse@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Ruth Jäschke M.A.
EKŌ Hall in the EKŌ Center
Cultural Events
Pāramitā Celebration Lecture: Doubt in Shin Buddhism

Pāramitā Celebration Lecture: Doubt in Shin Buddhism

15:00 - 15:40
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Hybrid
Registration: nottelmann@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Jan Marc Nottelmann-Feil M.A.
Seminarraum EKO-Haus & online
Kultursplitter: An Online Series on Cultural Issues from Japan (Lecture 4/2024)

Kultursplitter: An Online Series on Cultural Issues from Japan (Lecture 4/2024)

19:00 - 19:30
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Online
Registration: kuhl@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Michael Kuhl M.A.
From Shining Sun to Reflecting Moon – Japan’s women’s lives through the centuries (Short online lecture Oct 8, 2024)

From Shining Sun to Reflecting Moon – Japan’s women’s lives through the centuries (Short online lecture Oct 8, 2024)

19:30 - 20:00
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Online
Registration: kurse@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Ruth Jäschke M.A.
Cultural Events
From Shining Sun to Reflecting Moon – Japan’s women’s lives through the centuries (Short online lecture Nov 12, 2024)

From Shining Sun to Reflecting Moon – Japan’s women’s lives through the centuries (Short online lecture Nov 12, 2024)

19:30 - 20:00
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Online
Registration: kurse@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Ruth Jäschke M.A.
Cultural Events
Kultursplitter: An Online Series on Cultural Issues from Japan (Lecture 5/2024)

Kultursplitter: An Online Series on Cultural Issues from Japan (Lecture 5/2024)

19:00 - 19:30
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Online
Registration: kuhl@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Michael Kuhl M.A.