07 Jan

Colloquium: Structures of Buddhist Thought

2025-01-07 - 2025-06-03
18:30 - 20:00
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Hybrid
Registration: nottelmann@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Prof. Dr. MATSUMARU Hisao, Jan Marc Nottelmann-Feil M.A.
EKO-Tempel & online
17 Jan

惠光仏教講座:『歎異抄』を読む Reading of the Tannishō

2025-01-17 - 2025-06-20
14:30 - 17:00
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Hybrid
Registration: bdk@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: 攝受 弘宣 (Mr. SHŌJU Hironobu)
Seminarraum EKO-Haus & online
Buddhist Events
仏教のABC ABC of Buddhism

仏教のABC ABC of Buddhism

2025-01-19 - 2025-06-08
11:15 - 12:15
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: In presence
Registration: bdk@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: 攝受 弘宣 (Mr. SHŌJU Hironobu)
EKŌ Temple
Buddhist Events
Cherry Blossom and Rabbit in the Moon – Kimono motifs throughout the year (part 3)

Cherry Blossom and Rabbit in the Moon – Kimono motifs throughout the year (part 3)

19:30 - 20:00
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Online
Registration: kurse@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Ruth Jäschke M.A.
Cultural Events
Kultursplitter: An online series on aspects of Japanese culture (Lecture 3/2025)

Kultursplitter: An online series on aspects of Japanese culture (Lecture 3/2025)

19:00 - 19:30
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Online
Registration: kuhl@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Michael Kuhl M.A.
Lecture on the occassion of Shinran Shōnin's Birthday Service: Die ungleichen Brüder: Zen-Buddhismus und Shin-Buddhismus

Lecture on the occassion of Shinran Shōnin's Birthday Service: Die ungleichen Brüder: Zen-Buddhismus und Shin-Buddhismus

15:15 - 16:05
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: Hybrid
Registration: nottelmann@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Jan Marc Nottelmann-Feil M.A.
Seminarraum EKO-Haus & online
Cherry Blossom and Rabbit in the Moon - Kimono motifs throughout the year (part 4)

Cherry Blossom and Rabbit in the Moon - Kimono motifs throughout the year (part 4)

19:00 - 20:45
Start of registration: from now on
Event form: In presence
Registration: kurse@eko-haus.de
Costs: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Ruth Jäschke M.A.
EKŌ Hall in the EKŌ Center
Cultural Events