From Shining Sun to Reflecting Moon – Japan’s women’s lives through the centuries (part 2): Short online lecture
Zoom online lecture | Language of the lecture: German
Zoom Japan 1: Tue Oct 8, 2024, 7:30 – 8:00 pm – Next online lecture after this one: Zoom Japan 2: Tue Nov 12, 2024, 7:30 – 8:00 pm; before that there was already an lecture in presence on Tuesday, Sep 17, 2024, 7:00 – approx. 8:30 pm (The lectures each have different content.)
After part 1 of this lecture series in the first half of 2024 was primarily dedicated to women in Japan from early times to the Middle Ages, in the second part we approach the present: What happened to women in the Edo period (1603–1868)? To what extent did the rules of conduct and tasks assigned to her in Onna Daigaku (High School of Women, 1716) and other writings correspond to reality? What influence did the forced opening of Japan to the West from the middle of the 19th century have? What did feminists like HIRATSUKA Raichō (1886–1971) achieve when they demanded independence and autonomy for women so that they could become “the sun” again? What was the situation like after the Second World War? And have the so-called “Womenomics”, which Prime Minister ABE Shinzō announced in September 2013 at the World Economic Summit in Davos with the call “to bring about a society in which all women shine”, significantly changed the position and career opportunities of women in Japan? The second part of the lecture series explores questions like these and is again planned as a combination of lecture in presence and two 30-minute online events (each with different content). – Participation free of charge.
Illustration: Detail from the folding screen Rakuchū rakugai zu-byōbu (Scenes in and around Kyoto), 17th century. Mary Griggs Burke Collection, Gift of the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation, 2015