


EKŌ Hall in the EKŌ Center
Brueggener Weg 6, Dusseldorf, 40547


Start of registration: 19.09.2024
Registration: kurse@eko-haus.de
Event form: In presence
Cost: €20.00 € per person
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Urasenke Tankōkai Düsseldorf

Sat Oct 12, 2024: Tea ceremony on chairs in the EKŌ Hall
selectable in 3 time windows: 1:30 pm| 2:30 pm | 3:30 pm (duration: about 45 min.)   BOOKED OUT!

Number of participants limited | Event language: German – Performed by the Urasenke Tankōkai Düsseldorf.
Participation fee: €20.00 € per person (no student discount)
Please note the conditions of participation.

Chadō 茶道, the “tea way”, with its heart, the tea ceremony, is one of the geidō 芸道 (“art ways”) of Japanese culture. Since the 15th century, their Chinese models have been transformed in several schools in Japan until they received a canonical form, coined by the famous tea master Sen no Rikyū (1522-1591), which is still practiced today.

Please note:

  • Start of registration: Sep 19, 2024 (Registrations submitted beforehand will not be considered.)
  • Written registration is required, with the full name of all those registered and the telephone number (preferably mobile) of the responsible contact person. You are welcome to specify a preferred time window (1:30 pm, 2:30 pm or 3:30 pm), but we recommend flexibility regarding the time. (Registrations submitted before the start of registration and those sent to other email addresses of the EKŌ Center will not be considered.)
  • The tea ceremonies at the EKŌ Center are very popular and always booked out early. We kindly ask for your understanding.
  • Payment of the participation fee only after written confirmation from the EKŌ Center. The correspondence is usually in German. Unsolicited transfers will not be returned.
    Since the number of interested people is usually far larger than the number of places available, registration does not guarantee participation. Please note, that the info sheet sent to the participants shortly before the event as well as the explanations during the event are in German only. Your registration only becomes effective after receipt of the written confirmation of registration and payment request with timely payment of the participation fee.
  • Children under the age of 10 cannot be accepted; for older children, please contact us to inquire about the possibility to participate.
  • Admission tickets (with date, time and number) will be issued on site on the day of the event; no swapping, waiting and moving up options on the day itself!