Brueggener Weg 6
40547 Duesseldorf, Germany
General questions
☎ 0211-577918-0
✉ eko AT
Guided tours, photo permission, room rental, exhibitions, workshops
Registration for the courses
Library, colloquium
Buddhism-related issues and events
“The Teaching of Buddha”, movie screenings
Information for your participation
- Please note that prior registration is currently required for most events at the EKŌ Center. Unless otherwise stated, some events are free of charge (e.g. movie screenings, lectures, lecture series, colloquium, reading course), for others (courses, workshops, tea ceremonies, etc.) a course fee is charged.
- Please note that your registration for paid events is binding. You are obliged to pay the course fee. Please be sure to include the name of the participant with each payment so that the course fee can be allocated.
- The amount must be credited to the EKŌ Center account within two weeks or by the date specified in the confirmation of registration (unless otherwise stated upon registration), otherwise the right to a place in the event will be forfeited.
Please transfer the amount to the following account:
EKŌ-Haus der Japanischen Kultur e.V.
IBAN: DE92 3007 0024 0645 1033 00
Verwendungszweck (purpose of use): <Course name and name of the participant>
Cancellations are to be addressed in writing to the EKŌ Center.
In the case of cancellations less than two weeks before the start of the course, there is no right to a refund of the fee.