
14:00 - 15:00


EKŌ Temple
Brueggener Weg 6, Dusseldorf, 40547


Start of registration: from now on
Registration: bdk@eko-haus.de
Event form: Hybrid
Cost: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Priests of the EKŌ Temple


親鸞聖人降誕会 Birthday Service of Shinran Shōnin Sat May 31, 20255, 2:00-3:00 pm
Celebration of the birth of the founder of Shin Buddhism (Jodo Shinshu), Shinran Shōnin.
If you would like to participate online, please register by email to bdk [at] eko-haus.de.

After the service, at about 3:15 pm: lecture “Zen-Buddhismus und Shin-Buddhismus” by Rev. Jan Marc Nottelmann-Feil.