
15:00 - 16:00


EKŌ Temple
Brueggener Weg 6, Dusseldorf, 40547


Start of registration:
Event form: Hybrid
Cost: free
Organizer: EKŌ Center
Executive: Priests of the EKŌ Temple


除夜会 Joya-e
End of year ceremony
This is followed by the ringing of the temple bell (Joya-no kane).

Please note:
The event – contrary to the information written in the printed half-yearly program – takes place at 3:00 pm.
No pre-registration possible. Those 60 people who line up in front of the temple early can take part in the ceremony. (Opening of the iron gate at 2:00 pm.) These participants in the ceremony have priority in the subsequent ringing of the Joya-no kane bell.