
2024-11-22 - 2024-11-24
Ganztägig H


EKŌ-Saal im EKŌ-Haus & online
Brüggener Weg 6, Düsseldorf, 40547


申込み開始日: 受付中
申込み先: nottelmann@eko-haus.de
開催形式: ハイブリッド形式
参加費: 無料ー2024年11月23日(土)昼食: 15€ (お申込みは、11月20日まで)
主催者: ヨーロッパ浄土真宗「惠光」同朋会
講師: Dr. ARAI Toshikazu (Professor Emeritus, Sōai University, Ōsaka)


~24日(日) (11月22日、14:00より開始)

Speaker: Dr. ARAI Toshikazu (Professor Emeritus, Sōai University, Ōsaka)
Theme: „Amida Buddha and the Pure Land”
In discussing Shinran’s teaching, we fre-quently mention Amida Buddha and Amida’s Pure Land, confident that we know what we are talking about. However, since these terms are at the core of Shin Buddhism, it is important to think of what they actually mean to us. The purpose of the seminar is not to come to a unified definition, but to think about and discuss the meaning of these terms. During the sessions, the speaker will sometimes refer to his translation of Shinran’s Saihō-Shinan-shō (The Path to the Pure Land), but those who do not have a copy can rely on the seminar materials that will be provided.

The lectures are free to the public. Those who wish to have meals with other participants should inform us by Nov. 20, 2024 and pay the following: Sat Nov. 23, Lunch: €15.
Information & registration: nottelmann [AT] eko-haus.de